5 from 50

My first photography project was to take a minimum of 50 pictures of an everyday object such as a plug, orange, a ball of string etc. My everyday object was a packet of biscuits. The objective of this project is to focus on the image. I have done this by taking pictures in different angles and manipulating the object. I have looked at the art work of two photographers (Nancy Suzanne Mueller and Tim McDonald) who have also used the same object as mine as their main focus. I will be looking at what type of photography they do and more of their work. I will then annotate their work and compare their photographs to mine.
I have chosen this picture as one of my final five pictures because I like the way I have manipulated the biscuits by breaking them and stacking them on top and beside each other. This makes this different to my other pictures and the original image of the object which makes the picture look more interesting. As it is a close up picture of the broken biscuits it makes you look more carefully at the picture to realise that the picture is actually of biscuits which I think a photograph is meant to do, which is to make you think about the picture.
This is my favourite picture because I like the lighting used on the biscuits as it makes the picture look alot softer and more eye catching. I also like this picture because it is an extreme close up of biscuits which have been stacked on top of each other. 
This is an extreme close up of an oreo which is almost coming out of its packaging. This is one of the final five photographs because I like how the picture shows different textures. Meaning how the packaging looks smooth and the biscuit which is coming out of the packet has many different textures. As it is a close up it emphasises this.
I have decided to make this image one of my final five images because this picture to me, says that taking pictures doesnt have to be of objects that are in one piece. I have crushed the biscuits which shows that when taking a picture the object does not have to be so neat or perfect and that the sometimes even the messiest view of an object can capture a nice image.
This picture is taken from a different angle to all the other pictures I have taken, this is why I chose this as my final picture. I also chose this picture because this is the only close up picture that has captured the inside of my object from a high angle which makes this picture different to the other images.